For Immediate Release 

Article By: PLL Editor Brother Fred Wright

August 23, 2024

In the midst of a blood shortage across the country, the local American Red Cross asked Pi Lambda Lambda (PLL) Chapter if they could step up and help host a blood drive. In true Omega fashion, PLL partnered with the local Veterans of Foreign War (VFW) Post 1503 to answer the call and organized a local blood drive on August 23 in Woodbridge, VA.

According to the Red Cross, its national blood inventory plummeted 25% in July. This summer’s record setting heat is a significant contributor to recent blood collection challenges impacting more than 100 blood drives in the last month — in nearly every state where the Red Cross collects blood. At the start of 2024, the number of people donating blood to the Red Cross had reportedly fallen by about 40%. The Red Cross reported experiencing a nearly 7,000-unit shortfall in blood donations between Christmas 2023 and New Year’s Day 2024. 

Fifty-three donors – including five Brothers from the Chapter – registered for the drive, with 40 successful donations for a 75% completion rate, which nearly exceeded the drive’s goal of 28 successful donations. This blood drive was the Chapter’s third blood drive this year, and its first at the VFW Post. Numerous Chapter members are retired or former military and are members of this VFW post. The Chapter is actively planning its drive for January 2025, which is National Blood Donor Month.

The Health Initiatives Committee encourages Brothers not to forget our Fraternity’s rich history in blood donation and blood banking due to the efforts of Dr. Charles R. Drew. Known as the “Father of Blood Banking”, Brother Drew was born in 1904 in nearby Washington, DC, and was initiated into the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated through the Alpha Psi Chapter (Amherst College) in 1923. While serving as a Rockefeller Fellow at Columbia University’s renowned Presbyterian Hospital, New York, he developed methods of separating plasma, which increased the shelf life of plasma to two months. In 1940, the U.S. Surgeon General and the National Research Council organized a program to ship plasma to Britain in support of their war effort. Dr. Drew was tapped as the medical director of this project, which came to be known as the Blood for Britain campaign. Following the conclusion of the project the following year, the Red Cross enlisted him to start a pilot program that included innovations such as community donation centers in storefronts, factories and ‘bloodmobiles’. Dr. Drew was appointed director of the American Red Cross's first blood bank in 1941, which oversaw blood for use by the U.S. Army and Navy.

For additional information or requests for interviews with the Pi Lambda Lambda Chapter Basileus (President), Brother Ron Blanch, please contact the Chapter Editor, Brother Fred Wright  – 571.383.6019 – | Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. founded on the campus of Howard University November 17, 1911.

Health Initiatives - Blood Drive (Aug 2024)